Monday, September 10, 2007

Big steps for big kids

Being in Grade 4 is a big deal. It means you get to participate in all the activities you couldn't do last year because they are only for Grade 4's and 5's. Today the cross country running club started and they meet 3 times a week at 8:05. Because that's a bit early for all of us to be at school Cooper walked to school by himself for the first time. A big deal for him. I asked if he was nervous and he said "No, actually I feel like I'm growing up". You sure are buddy...and far too quickly.
Being in kindergarten is a big deal. It means lining up along the wall just like you watched both your big brothers do. I know that some parents feel a lot of different emotions at this time but all I felt was excited...for you. Reagan is such a social girl, saying "hi" to the girl in the line up beside her and starting up a conversation. I am so proud of you Reagan. You are growing up into such a strong, confident little girl. I see great things for you.
Tomorrow, more big things. Tag has his first day of preschool. We'll let you know how it goes. I predict a little apprehension...on his part, not mine. :)


Anonymous said...

so cute!
i love what reagan is wearing.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I nearly cried when you talked about your growing up babies!! I can just see Cooper saying to you that he is growing up - love them to pieces. Love, Leni