Sunday, May 29, 2011

"Did my guys come today?"

For two weeks this is what I have been hearing just about every day from Cooper.
He spent a good deal of his birthday money, allowance money, even a little babysitting money and ordered Lego minifigures off Ebay. You can buy them a the store for $3 a pack but you don't know what you are going to get inside so he decided to just order complete sets.
Cooper has always had a love affair with Lego but the little mini figures have always been what he covets most.
Finally we got the slip in the mail to say we had a parcel to pick up. We warned him that the parcel may not be his, it may be something Tony ordered for work. (I don't think that Tony actually did order anything) But when we got there and he saw that 4-letter word on the label he was so excited.
Now I am thinking that he is 13, and this thing he's got for Lego won't last forever, but then again, maybe it will. And that would be great.

The joy and time spent building, arranging and generally just hanging out with these little guys just over the last two days, I'm sure Cooper would agree, is well worth the fact that he is now just about broke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go Cooper, I still love Lego! Had to look twice, not used to your tidy, groovy look! Love, Auntie Leni